Monthly Archives: August 2018


Trial rounds

Please note that the season will commence on Friday 7th/Saturday the 8th of September for all teams except U7s. We stress that the first two rounds of the season (7th/8th & /14th/15th September) are only trial rounds and should be used as an opportunity to meet new players and sort out any last minute requirements (gear / uniforms etc). For those [...]

By | 2018-10-01T10:18:22+00:00 16 August, 2018|Categories: General|0 Comments

Uniform fitting and pick up (volunteers required)

We will hold a uniform fitting and pick up day at the Forest Baseball Club shed near Aquatic Field#2 on Sunday, 26 August between 1-3pm. For anyone that needs some new baseball gear, head on up and see the team. In order to streamline the process and make it as quick as possible for everyone to get their uniforms, we [...]

By | 2018-10-01T10:17:08+00:00 16 August, 2018|Categories: General|Tags: , , |0 Comments