Monthly Archives: September 2023


FBC canteen upgrade – Proudly funded by the NSW Government

For all those that have ventured to the Forest canteen this summer you will have noticed that there's been a bit of an upgrade. New cupboards, benchtops, wall tiles, internal roof and lights have been installed, along with a new hot water tank, sink and plumbing. These works were partially funded by a grant from the NSW Government, with work [...]

By | 2023-09-25T01:12:02+00:00 24 September, 2023|Categories: General|0 Comments

Opening Day – 9 September

Saturday, 9th September marks Opening Day for Summer 2023/24.  This is just a trial round and a great chance to get back on the diamonds and blow out the cobwebs - or for some - play their first ever game! We are also very excited to be unveiling three new life members during a brief presentation at 10.10am. Please note [...]

By | 2023-09-02T07:23:25+00:00 2 September, 2023|Categories: General|0 Comments