Trial rounds

//Trial rounds

Trial rounds

By | 2018-10-01T10:18:22+00:00 16 August, 2018|Categories: General|0 Comments

Please note that the season will commence on Friday 7th/Saturday the 8th of September for all teams except U7s.

We stress that the first two rounds of the season (7th/8th & /14th/15th September) are only trial rounds and should be used as an opportunity to meet new players and sort out any last minute requirements (gear / uniforms etc). For those new to the game you will also have a chance to see the pre-game rituals (e.g. setting up the grounds for your games) and ask any questions of the committee that will be on hand at the ground. 

This season Baseball NSW has requested a designated ground official to be in attendance at all grounds during games. This person is the first point of contact for any issues on game day (medical/behaviour etc). Look out for the poor individual sporting the very high visibility orange vest!

The draft team lists have now been sent to coaches. Please keep in mind that Gail has tried to take into account all players requests wherever possible. If you have any queries on your registrations, or still want to register and are yet to do so, please contact Gail (

Coaches/managers that haven’t yet submitted their training day/time preferences please contact Shawn (

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the field this weekend!



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